Online Percentage Calculator
Simple tool to calculate various percentage values in multiple directions. What is the percentage value of anothe value? Or, what percentage is a value compared to another? Finally, calculate percentage increases and decreases.
X is what percent of Y?
The formula to know what percentage a value represents compared to another is as follows:
percentage = first number / second number * 100
Divide the first value by the second value, and multiply that result by 100 to get the percentage.
What is X% of Y?
The formula to know what the percentage of a value represents is as follows:
value = first number * second number / 100
Multiply the first value by the second value, and divide that result by 100 to get the actual value.
What is the percentage increase or decreease?
The formula to know what the percentage increase or decrease betweeen two numbers is as follows:
difference = first number - second number
percentage = difference / first number * 100
Subtract your first number with your second to get the difference between both numbers. Then, divide that difference by the first number, and multiply by 100 to get the percentage increase, or decrease if negative.